Her Birdens

Her Birdens-Holly Wilson-Detail2
Her Birdens

Her Birdens

Unique Cast Bronze, Patina, Sterling Silver on Birch, 30” x 24” x 4”

She holds that which is precious close to her, the babies sit top of her head, her mind, her heart. There will be the day in which she will not be able to hold them close to keep them safe, but that is not today.

Barn Swallows build a nest above our front door one year and I remember watching them build, then grow their family. The babies looked like little bandits and would watch you as you walked up. There was the one that would sit high in the nest craning his head to watch you, then one that was tucked just behind peeking out to see you. This reminded me of my own children. Wilson was always bold and the one edge ready to see the world, where Zoe would sit back, quietly watching you and the world before she would make a move. The parallels in our world of nature fill my mind and my days.

A burden, as anything or anyone you care for creates a responsibility for you. I echo this, casting the baby birds in sterling silver for they are precious to her.



For inquiries, please contact:

MA Doran Gallery
3509 S. Peoria Avenue | Tulsa, OK 74105 | 918.748.8700

Her Birdens-Holly Wilson-Detail
Her Birdens
Her Birdens-Holly Wilson
Her Birdens
Her Birdens-Holly Wilson-Birds Detail
Her Birdens
Her Birdens-Holly Wilson-sv
Her Birdens


Her Birdens-Holly Wilson-birds
Her Birdens