Keeper of the Sorrows_Bronze_Holly Wilson
"Keeper of the Sorrows", Bronze, 31" x 29" x 17", by Holly Wilson

Keeper of the Sorrows_Bronze_Holly Wilson

Installed View
Bronze, Patina, Flex cord
26″ x 25″ x 13″
By Holly Wilson


Blue Rain Gallery, Santa Fe, NM

Inspired from a story of a young 12 year old Japanese girl, Sadako Sasaki, that was diagnosed with leukemia several years after exposure from the atomic bomb on August 6, 1945, near her home. She tried to make 1000 cranes before her death. An ancient Japanese legend promises that anyone who folds a thousand origami cranes will be granted a wish by a crane. I have a crane for each year of her young life, 12.

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